CSWP llama a acciones obreras ante la crisis del coronavirus

Read the English version here.

En la actual crisis sanitaria y económica desatada por el coronavirus, la clase obrera –y particularmente aquellos que viven al día– están siendo lanzados contra la cuerdas, en una situación insostenible. Muchos son obligados a tomar decisiones angustiosas cuando se trata de ir al trabajo, frecuentemente bajo inadecuadas condiciones laborales y de seguridad. Los que son despedidos de sus trabajos son dejados a su suerte. Los que tienen menos posibilidades de protegerse encaran la bancarrota financiera, agobiados por facturas médicas imposibles a pagar.

En esta crisis provocada por el novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Class Struggle Workers –Portland llama a todos los sindicatos y trabajadores a exigir lo siguiente:

  • Todos los trabajadores que no pueden trabajar como resultado del virus –incluidos aquellos que consideran que el asistir al trabajo pone en riesgo su salud– deben recibir su salario íntegro hasta que les sea posible regresar al trabajo, sin penalización ni acción disciplinaria alguna impuesta por el patrón.
  • Todos los trabajadores que sigan laborando deberán ser equipados con todo Equipo de Protección Personal necesario, siendo éste el que determinen los trabajadores mismos. Todos los centros de trabajo deben adoptar inmediatamente las medidas de seguridad necesarias, incluida la sanitización frecuente, el acceso a lavamanos, y la separación física necesaria para protegerse.
  • Los sindicatos deben defender vigorosamente la salud y seguridad de sus miembros y de otros, incluidos aquellos en los ramos laborales que han sido definidos como de servicios esenciales. Los sindicatos de los trabajadores de electricidad y de gas deberán anunciar que se rehúsan a cortar los servicios por falta de pago mientras dure la crisis.
  • Toda prueba y tratamiento médico deberá ser gratuito y estar disponible a quienquiera que lo solicite.

La actual Ley de Baja por Enfermedad de Portland permite a los trabajadores acumular únicamente 40 horas de ausencia pagada por año. Debido a que muchos negocios en Oregon han recibido la orden de cerrar por al menos cuatro semanas, la situación para estos trabajadores es terrible. Sin asistencia inmediata, podrían no sólo perder su casa, sino que incluso podrían perder también su seguro médico. Tiene que haber licencia por enfermedad ilimitada, pagada al nivel salarial pleno. Lo mismo debe valer para aquellos que necesitan cuidar de sus familiares.

Los trabajadores deben exigir que la clase obrera no sea sacrificada mientras cierran los negocios y servicios. Todos están siendo afectados. Con las escuelas de Portland cerradas, los maestros seguirán recibiendo su salario, pero el personal administrativo y de limpieza no. Protestamos en contra de esta atrocidad y demandamos que todo el personal siga recibiendo su paga.

En Seattle, el sindicato de choferes (Teamsters) está llamando a que todos los choferes de Uber y de Lyft reciban 1,000 dólares a la semana en compensación por la falta de trabajo. Esta debe ser una demanda hacia los patrones y los gobiernos a lo largo y ancho del país. CSWP insiste: en lugar de peticiones vagas de ayuda, los sindicatos deben comenzar inmediatamente a organizar para exigir pago íntegro para todos los trabajadores que han perdido horas de trabajo debido al virus.

Los sindicatos deben también emprender la formación de comités de salud y seguridad, que deben ser elegidos en cada centro de trabajo, lo mismo para trabajadores sindicalizados que no sindicalizados, para asegurarse de que todas las medidas de seguridad están siendo aplicadas para todos los trabajadores, y que todo el equipo necesario está disponible. Los sindicatos deben hacer todo el esfuerzo para asegurarse de que los trabajadores sin representación tengan también acceso a toda protección. No debe realizarse ninguna labor sino hasta que estas prácticas básicas de seguridad se realicen.

El cierre de las escuelas ha colocado a las familias trabajadoras y de bajos ingresos bajo una presión tremenda, y en las mujeres en particular, toda vez que alguien tiene que encargarse de los hijos. Las organizaciones obreras deben exigir guarderías gratuitas y de alta calidad para quienes las necesiten, con servicios educativos organizados incluidos.

El que toda persona deba tener vivienda es aún más obvio y urgente durante una pandemia. Un movimiento obrero combativo debe coordinarse con organizaciones de inquilinos y de personas sin hogar para detener los desalojos por desahucio, ocupar las viviendas vacías y las propiedades de inversión y las segundas casas de los ricos, y ocupar espacios hoteleros para proveer alojamiento para las personas sin hogar, y no inmensas ganancias a los especuladores.

Muchos de los más vulnerables en esta crisis son inmigrantes, que se enfrentan no solamente a la pérdida de sus ingresos, sin atención médica y con sus hijos sin posibilidad de ir a la escuela, sino también con la constante amenaza de la deportación. Ahora en California, Nueva York y en otras partes, el ICE está aprovechándose de la cuarentena de emergencia para hacer más redadas y arrestos. Los sindicatos deben exigir: ¡Alto a las redadas y las deportaciones! ¡Cerrar los centros de detención (campos de concentración) para inmigrantes! ¡Liberar a los detenidos para que regresen con sus familias y a sus comunidades! ¡ICE fuera de Portland!

Los partidos gobernantes están explotando la crisis: el Partido Demócrata, por su parte, azuza la histeria en un cínico esfuerzo a marcar tantos en este año electoral, mientras Trump tuitea una imagen de si mismo tocando violín mientras Roma arde, explota la crisis para instigar miedo contra “extranjeros” y dona 1.5 billones de dólares a Wall Street.

La clase obrera necesita un partido que pueda pelear por atención médica gratuita para todos, licencia pagada para todos los trabajadores que están desempleados, desplazados, enfermos o de alguna otra forma incapacitados para trabajar a causa del virus, y medidas de seguridad inmediatas para proteger a los trabajadores que deben seguir asistiendo al trabajo. Mientras se desarrolla la pandemia, la acuciante necesidad de un partido obrero revolucionario internacional no podría ser más clara.

Un movimiento obrero combativo de masas con una dirección clasista establecería comisiones obreras en los centros de trabajo para decidir e implementar las medidas necesarias, incluido el cierre ahí donde sea necesario, sin detener los pagos a los trabajadores, o bien, la continuación del trabajo productivo con la protección necesaria

A la larga, será necesaria una economía planificada capaz de redirigir la producción y distribución del equipo médico, de seguridad y de necesidades básicas, con centros de trabajo organizados con la prioridad centrada en la seguridad de los trabajadores, para pelear de forma efectiva en contra de la pandemia. Esto implica luchar para poner fin al sistema capitalista y la concomitante anarquía en la producción por el lucro privado, la incompetencia, el racismo y la explotación, y así luchar para establecer un gobierno obrero.

Con las vidas y medios de subsistencia de tantos trabajadores y oprimidos al filo de la navaja, la única salida es la lucha de clases.

CSWP Calls for Workers Action in Coronavirus Crisis

Disponible aquí en español.

In the current coronavirus/economic crisis, working people – and particularly those who live paycheck to paycheck – are being pushed into unbearable situations. Many are forced to make agonizing decisions when it comes to going to work, often with inadequate safety and labor conditions. Those who are thrown out of work are left to fend for themselves. Those least able to protect themselves face financial ruin burdened with medical bills beyond their means.

In this crisis, Class Struggle Workers Portland calls on unions and all workers to demand the following in the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis:

  • All workers who are unable to work as a result of the virus – including any who feel that their continued presence on the job puts their health at risk – shall be paid in full for all time missed until they are able to return to work, with no penalty or disciplinary action from their employer.
    • All workers who continue to work shall be furnished with all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) necessary, as determined by the workers themselves. All workplaces shall adopt immediate safety measures including frequent sanitizing practices, handwashing facilities, and physical separation as much as is required to protect them.
  • Unions must vigorously defend the health and safety of their members and others, including in categories that have been ruled essential services. Utilities workers unions should announce that they refuse to cut off services due to non-payment for the duration of the crisis.
    • All testing and medical treatment should be free and available on demand.

The current Portland Sick Leave law only allows employees to accrue 40 hours of paid leave per year. As many businesses have been ordered to close for at least four weeks in Oregon, the situation for those workers is dire. Without immediate assistance, they not only may lose their housing, but also their health insurance. There should be unlimited sick pay at the highest level. The same should apply to those who need to care for family members.

Labor must demand that working people must not be sacrificed as businesses and services are shuttered. All are affected. Portland schools closed, teachers will continue to be paid, but the classified staff will not. We protest this outrage, and demand that all staff be paid.

In Seattle, Teamsters are calling for all Uber and Lyft drivers to receive $1,000 a week in compensation for lost work. This should be a demand on employers and governments across the country. The CSWP says, rather than vague calls for relief, unions must immediately begin organizing to demand full pay for all workers who have lost time as a result of the virus.

Unions should also take the lead in forming health and safety committees, to be elected at every workplace, both union and unrepresented, to ensure that all safety measures are being enforced for all workers, and that all necessary equipment is available. Unions should make every effort to ensure that unrepresented workers also have access to every protection. No work should be performed until these basic safety practices are in place.

Schools closing has put a tremendous strain on working and low-income families, and women in particular, as someone must care for the kids. Workers organizations must demand free, high-quality child care facilities for all who need them, including organized educational services.

The fact that everyone must have a home is even more obvious and urgent during a pandemic. A militant workers movement would work with tenants and homeless organizations to stop evictions, take over unoccupied apartments, investment properties and second homes of the wealthy and occupy hotel space to provide housing for the homeless instead of the huge profits of speculators and price-gougers.

Many of the most vulnerable in this crisis are immigrants, who face not only loss of income, lack of medical care and their children being deprived of school, but the ever-present threat of deportation. Now in California, New York and elsewhere , I.C.E. is taking advantage of the coronavirus lockdown  to make more raids and arrests. Unions must demand: Stop the raids and deportations! Shut down the immigrant detention centers (concentration camps) – Free the detainees to return to their families and communities! I.C.E. out of Portland!

The ruling parties are exploiting this crisis, with the Democrats whipping up hysteria on one hand, in a cynical attempt to score points in an election year, while Trump tweets out an image of himself fiddling as Rome burns, exploits the crisis to push fear of “foreigners” and hands out $1.5 trillion in free money to Wall Street.

The working class needs a party that can fight for free healthcare for allfull paid leave for all workers who are unemployed, displaced, sick, or otherwise unable to work because of the virus, and immediate safety measures to protect workers who must still go to work. The urgent need for an international revolutionary workers party could not be more clear as the pandemic unfolds.

A mass, militant workers movement with a class-struggle leadership would establish workers commissions at workplaces to decide appropriate measures, including shutting down where necessary, with no loss in pay, or continuing production with needed safeguards.

Ultimately, it will take a planned economy capable of redirecting production and distribution of medical equipment, safety equipment and basic necessities for a large-scale outbreak, with workplaces organized with the safety of workers as a central priority, in order to effectively fight a pandemic. That means a fight to end this capitalist system of profit-driven chaos, incompetence, racism and exploitation, and establish a workers government.

With the lives and livelihoods of so many workers and oppressed people in the balance, the only way forward is class struggle.

Portland May Day 2016: Class Struggle Contingent

May Day in Portland, 2016: the Class Struggle contingent brought together Carpenters, Ironworkers, Stagehands, Teachers, IWW “Wobblies” and other pro-working class elements under the day’s only banner that called for “Full Citizenship Rights for all Immigrants,” on this workers’ holiday that was revived in the U.S. by the mass protests of immigrant workers ten years ago.

The goal of the Class Struggle contingent was to fight for May Day as it should be: International Workers Day, a day for the class struggle against the capitalist system. Our contingent was the only participant in Portland’s May Day that sought to mobilize the unions and the militant workers. And while there were some radical-sounding words to be heard from the platform, one of the main sponsors of the event was the “Working Families Party,” a scam operation with which the union bureaucracy seeks to get workers’ votes for the Democratic Party of our class enemy. The Class Struggle contingent’s banner said “Break with the Democrats and Republicans! For a Class-Struggle Workers Party!” We distributed many copies of our article against Bernie Sanders from Bridge City Militant No. 1. We were the only group at May Day that had anything to say against the ruling party of bloody, racist U.S. imperialism.

A spokesperson for the Internationalist Group, part of the Class Struggle Contingent, was interviewed by KOIN 6 TV news and got right to the point: “We think that capitalism has long outlived its usefulness, and we think that we need a workers revolution in America.” That’s what May Day, and the class struggle, is for.


Resolution for 2015 Oregon AFL-CIO convention


WHEREAS, unions are required by law to represent all employees in a bargaining unit, whether they are union members or not; and

WHEREAS, at least two “right-to-work” initiatives, allowing workers in unionized public sector jobs to avoid paying for their representation, are in the process of becoming ballot measures in Oregon; and

WHEREAS, the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, a main sponsor of misnamed “right-to-work” initiatives in the Pacific Northwest, financed by union-bashers such as the Koch Brothers and Wal-Mart, is pushing lawsuit against SEIU Local 503 which represents over 20,000 home care workers in Oregon; and

WHEREAS, the unionization of the largely minority home health care workers in the state has raised their wages by more than two-thirds, as well as providing medical and health coverage; and

WHEREAS, unionization has boosted the wages and job security of all workers and particularly of African American, Latino, Native American and immigrant workers; and

WHEREAS, the anti-labor ballot measures are designed to undermine and financially ruin public sector unions which are vital to the welfare and living standards of all workers; and

WHEREAS, ballot measures in Oregon are part of a national campaign by corporations and their political supporters to destroy unions and wipe out the gains won by organized labor; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Supreme Court last July agreed to hear a case that could eliminate “fair-share” fees paid to public sector unions, in effect creating a national “right-to-work” law by judicial fiat; and

WHEREAS, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, after eliminating collective bargaining rights for public sector workers in 2011 and now ramming through a state “right-to-work” law, is campaigning for such a law nationally; and

WHEREAS, the same forces backing these union-busting laws such as Illinois governor Bruce Rauner want to eliminate the minimum wage entirely rather than raising it to a living wage; and

WHEREAS, support for these measures in Oregon comes from big lumber, including Freres Lumber Co. and Stimson Lumber Co. and right-wing politicians such as Washington County Attorney, Jill Gibson; and

WHEREAS, workers in “right-to-work” states earn substantially lower wages, have less employer-sponsored health insurance or pensions and significantly higher workplace death rates due to weakened union protections; and

WHEREAS, the experience of Michigan, where anti-union forces pushed through “right-to-work” laws with a stealth campaign while organized labor did little to stop them, shows the danger of complacency; and

WHEREAS, backroom deals with legislators and state officials will not stop a determined employer offensive; and

WHEREAS, the union-bashing offensive that began even before the 1981 PATCO air controllers strike, which many other unions failed to support, shows that a failure to fight has disastrous results; and

WHEREAS, the powerful labor mobilization in Wisconsin in 2011 demonstrated that the public will enthusiastically back unions when they fight, despite anti-labor media campaigns; and

WHEREAS, the failure of Wisconsin unions to call a state-wide strike at the crucial moment, even after preparing for one, led to a devastating defeat while the strategy of a “recall” and voter turnout campaigns predictably failed to repeal “right-to-work” legislation in Wisconsin; and

WHEREAS, the power of our unions rests in our ability to use our economic strength in defense of our rights as workers, and failure to use that power only emboldens the labor-haters; and

WHEREAS, we have had enough of the one-sided class war waged by profit-greedy bosses,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this body expresses the determination of Oregon workers to whatever it takes to defeat any such union-busting laws, including using our right to strike to defend the union shop; and be it further

RESOLVED, that we urge Oregon and Washington unions and their supporters to mobilize at “right-to-work” events with rallies, marches and other means to expose the drive by cutthroat employers to drive our wages to the bottom while they make billions in profits from our labor; and be it further

RESOLVED, that area unions should prepare a major region-wide stop-work action against this effort to impoverish workers by using the courts and the rest of their legal arsenal; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Oregon AFL-CIO will encourage and support any affiliated locals collecting dues from represented workers directly, in order to stymie employer attempts to cripple labor financially; and be it finally

RESOLVED, that in defending union independence from the bosses and standing together in defense of all those threatened by the employers’ assault, WE HAVE THE POWER TO DEFEAT THE WAR ON WORKERS, BUT WE MUST USE THAT POWER OR LOSE IT.

Saturday July 25: Fundraiser for Pasco, WA Anti-Police Brutality Protesters

Saturday July 25, 2-10 p.m.
Panel Discussion, Fundraiser Party, Live Music
From Portland, Oregon to Pasco, Washington: Protest Racist Police Murder

Featuring Mic Crenshaw and David Rovics

2-10 p.m. Saturday, July 25
Musicians Local 99 Hall
325 NE 20th Ave, Portland

Saturday July 25: Protest Racist Police Murder!
Printable flier for July 25 fundraiser party.

On February 10, police in Pasco, WA shot and killed Antonio Zambrano Montes, a 35-year-old agricultural worker from Mexico. Antonio was unarmed and had his hands up when three cops shot him down on the sidewalk. Since then hundreds of local residents have refused to let his final words, no es justo (it’s not right) be forgotten. Now the police and local authorities are trying to silence those who would protest against them with frivolous arrests and bogus criminal charges. From Ferguson to Baltimore, the police murder black and immigrant working people with impunity and would trample on everyone’s fundamental civil rights. Join us to raise funds for the legal defense of Pasco protesters, hear from protest organizers targeted by political persecution, and enjoy some live music and food!

This event is not sponsored or endorsed by AFM Local 99.

Click here for a FaceBook event page.

Sponsored by Class Struggle Workers Portland. For more information: 971-282-7903 | cswp@csw-pdx.org | csw-pdx.org | P.O. Box 86902, Portland, OR 97286