Vote Wyatt M. & Alex G. for Delegates from Local 10

As members of Local 10, our record speaks for itself. We have taken the lead on standing up to the contractors when they tried to grab for our pension, building for a strike and organizing our co-workers. We have served on several committees, including the contract committee. Now painters’ hands aren’t tied by “binding arbitration.” We served on the Volunteer Activist committee, and the Anti-racist Mobilization committee, where we were able to mobilize our local to oppose the “Patriot Prayer” fascists.

We have supported translation, both for union meetings and for apprenticeship classes, because our Spanish speaking sisters and brothers are the life blood of our local and should have no barrier to full education, promotion, and participation in our union. Wyatt fought for years to get our contracts translated into Spanish. Finally, they are.

We also stand on the slogan “An Injury to One is an Injury to All”. All workers are our sisters and brothers, and any attack on workers rights is an attack on our rights. We need to build workers defense guards to stand up to racist and fascist groups. We stand for women’s rights, the right to free childcare, and in defense of abortion rights. We need to tear down divisions between the trades. A picket line means don’t cross. We are for massive united action of all the trades against the bosses.

We need to break with the Democrats, the Republicans, and all parties of the bosses and build real class struggle workers party. We need to untie our hands and fight to win.

Vote on Saturday, June 8, any time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at any of three locations:

Local 10 hall, 11105 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97220

Best Western, 3125 Ryan Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97301

Plumbers & Pipefitters 290 Training Center, 2861 Pierce Parkway, Springfield, OR 97477

Only Vote For Class-Struggle Candidates!